Images to TIFF Converter

Image to TIFF converter is a useful tool that allows you to convert images to TIFF format

What is TIFF Image?

A TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) is a raster image file format designed for storing high-quality images, making it a popular choice among photographers and graphic designers. Renowned for their exceptional image quality, TIFF files are ideal for printing photos and billboards. They can be compressed without sacrificing image data, ensuring that quality remains intact even after multiple edits and saves. TIFF files also support multiple layers and transparency, and are fully compatible with photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop.

However, TIFFs tend to be large due to the extensive amount of image data they contain, which can make sharing them challenging unless they are compressed into zip files or distributed via file-sharing services. Their structure makes TIFFs one of the most secure image formats, as extracting information without accessing the file itself is quite difficult. As a result, TIFFs are frequently utilized in creative fields like artwork, magazines, newspapers, and premium print media. On the downside, they are not well-suited for web use.

About the Converter:

Convert your image format with this free online image converter. You can convert AI, APNG, AVIF, BMP, DDS, DIB, EPS, GIF, HDR, HEIC, HEIF, ICO, JP2, JPE, JPEG, PDF, PNG, PSD, RAW, SVG, TGA, WBMP, and WEBP to TIFF format. The max upload size is limited to 10MB. 

With each new upload, images older than 1 hour will be automatically deleted from the server. You also have the option to delete your image after the conversion is finish.

How to convert an image?

1. Upload your image

2. Click the "Convert" button

4. Wait for the conversion to finish and hit the "Download" button to download a single TIFF image

5. Or click on "Download ZIP" to download all the images as a ZIP archive

6. Finally, click on "Convert another image" to try another one.

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